Wizard’s Flight has hit #1 New Release in the Teen & Young Adult Space Opera eBooks and Teen & Young Adult Fiction about Runaways categories! I was too excited not to share these screenshots.

Thanks to everyone who has picked up a copy so far. I’m humbled and honored that you would consider reading my work. There’s no better feeling as an author to see her word-babies go out into the world, and that someone wants to read them!

If you’re thinking about picking up Book 1, it’s a great choice if you like snarky, headstrong, but also brave heroines who will do anything to save her friends. Montana Cooper has flaws to overcome, and even though they get her into trouble, she’s not afraid to meet that trouble head on!

Oh, and there’s a dashingly handsome wizard in there, too, in case I forgot to mention that. 😉

Click here to find book 1 on Amazon.

Book 2 is available here.

And Book 3 is on the way!
